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    1. misc. 8

      by , 06-29-2014 at 01:49 AM
      i was walking around with a bunch of friends although i don't actually recognize any of them, we were walking near a prison and i looked over at the particularly large fence with big speakers at the ends of the fences on the corners of the prison and the speaker turned on quite loudly and announced that there was a prison break, and i remember saying to myself " wow a prison break thats interesting, then a man came around one of the sides and started running towards us and i found out he was chasing me of all people and he was quicker so i went around a couple of trashcans and when he got close anough i pushed the trash cans to slow him down then i took off again, it was also night time and i was quite freaked out to be chased.
      Tags: jail break
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable